Want to get involved with Hostile Intentions? You’ve come to the right place!
We are very friendly guys and girls, and you don’t have to be a experienced player to join, you just need to have that ‘playing for fun’ attitude and make a bit of a commitment to the team.
Here’s what it takes to join Hostile Intentions:
1 Come and play with us a couple of times if you haven’t already. Get to know us and we’ll get to know you. We play twice a month: Usually on the second SATURDAY of the month at Warzone in Norfolk, and the last Sunday of the month at Paintball Extreme in Essex. To find out more details, check out our FORUM.
2 Commit to playing 6 times a year with us. Once every two months is pretty easy to do. And besides our usual second Saturday and last Sunday walk on games we play at about 4 of the big scenario days every year and we even run our own event “Arrows in the wind” twice a year at Paintball Extreme.
3 Get some MULTICAM! Multicam is our team uniform (not to mention the best camo ever). It is important to us to have that team identity and also for you to feel part of the team. So at least invest in some multicam trousers. If you look on the forum their are various resources such as which do a variety of multicam products really cheap. By the way, with most of the other kit needed for paintball we can help you out and lend you bits and bobs here and there, as a team we take care of our own.
4 Get approval from three existing members to join the team and you will be added to the MEMBERS ONLY section of the forum so that you can be added to the email list as well as seeing all team tactics, discounts, training days and other information that is only shared within the team!
Thanks for your interest! We look forward to playing alongside you very soon!